Duhaime joins an anti-tramway group… without his consent

The leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ), Éric Duhaime, wanted to publicly associate himself Wednesday with the anti-tramway group Quebec deserves better. That was before the organization refused to come to his side.

On Wednesday morning, the Conservative team summoned the media to a press briefing on the structuring network of Quebec City. Its leader was to be “accompanied for the occasion by representatives of Quebec deserves better.”

Made up of citizens of the capital, this anti-tramway group notably addressed the courts at the beginning of the month with the aim of obtaining an injunction to stop the preparatory work. The position of the PCQ is also clear: the right-wing political formation would put an end to the project if it were brought to power.

Except that Wednesday, Quebec deserves better shone by its absence at the press conference of Mr. Duhaime. “Me, I am not a spokesperson for the Conservative Party, launched the spokesperson for the citizens’ group, Donald Charette, in an interview with The duty. We were not made aware of this summons until this morning. Quebec deserves better is an apolitical citizens’ movement, which is not associated with any political party. »

“I am not responsible for their summons. The rest of us are open to all political parties. We have no allegiance,” he added.

“Common Vision”

Faced with this contradiction, on Wednesday, Éric Duhaime justified himself by saying that he had indeed met the lawyer for Quebec deserves better, Guy Bertrand, earlier in the day. “They did not want to react because they wanted to wait to see the judgment of the Court before,” he assured.

“We share a common vision. They have a job to do, it’s at the legal level. We have a job to do, it’s at the political level, he continued, live from a pub in the upper town of Quebec. Today, we want to join those who have chosen the legal route. »

Mr. Duhaime assures that his party did not contribute financially to the legal campaign of Quebec deserves better. He will donate $100 in his own name and invites all opponents of the project to do so. He points out that “the Conservative Party is the only party that opposes the tramway project”.

Quebec deserves better will not invite the citizens of Quebec to vote for one party or another in the next election because of their position on the structuring network. “We’re not in there at all,” said Donald Charette on the other end of the line.

Éric Duhaime maintains that his party is the “political last resort” of anti-tramways. He urges the voters of Quebec to turn to him in order to block the project. “All the people of the greater Quebec region, you have the potential to help in two ways. First by supporting the Conservative Party. Then, we can contribute to Quebec deserves better, ”he said.

Judge Clément Samson, of the Superior Court of Quebec, must render his decision Thursday morning on the injunction requested by Quebec deserves better.

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