Duhaime denounces the voting method without promising anything

Conservative Party leader Éric Duhaime fears that no MP will be elected because of the distortions in the voting system. A situation that he denounces, but for which he refuses to make commitments.

“We would have between 16 and 20% of the voting intentions and as strange as it may seem […]they often put us [à] zero deputy. It is sure that it is a problem, ”he argued during a press briefing on Saturday noon.

“It is not true that we are going to give up on one vote in five”.

The Conservative leader bases his concerns in particular on an analysis published on Saturday in The duty on a possible historical distortion of the vote this election.

No question, however, for Éric Duhaime to commit to reforming the voting system if he is elected. “I don’t want to add my name to the list of politicians who lie about electoral reform. »

He prefers to use this as an additional argument to urge his supporters to vote in the riding of Chauveau. “One more or less low-back MP at the CAQ won’t change much,” he said.

Adaptation to climate change financed by gas exploitation

Like other party leaders, Éric Duhaime had canceled a morning activity due to Hurricane Fiona. Asked later about possible links between the storm and climate change, he replied that it would be “hazardous” to draw conclusions in this regard. “It is not an event that explains a phenomenon like [celui]-the […] It is the frequency that can change something”.

As to whether a Conservative government would invest in measures to adapt to climate change, he argued that it would be possible to do so with funds from the natural gas sector. “We want to exploit our resources, our hydrocarbons to invest in this kind of prevention. »

Finally, Mr. Duhaime had no comment to make on the presence of an article sponsored by his party in the American daily USA Today. ” The USA Today talks about the Conservative Party of Canada, ”boasted the PCQ on its Twitter account on Saturday morning.

The publication gave the impression that a journalist from the daily had signed a text about the Quebec Conservatives, but it was in fact an advertisement. “Honestly, it was not me who gave the contract, I don’t know,” reacted Mr. Duhaime.

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