Duhaime calls for the suspension of the QST on gasoline

Faced with soaring gas prices, the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec, Éric Duhaime, asks Quebec to stop levying the sales tax there, a measure that the Legault government has so far rejected.

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Passing through Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, in Mauricie, to present a candidate there on Tuesday, Éric Duhaime said that it would be “indecent” for Quebec to continue to collect this tax in the context.

“It is not true that the Government of Quebec will still take advantage of the rise in the price of gasoline to make even more money in taxes on this product,” he declared.

With the suspension of this tax, the former radio host estimates that consumers could save up to 20 cents per litre.

But it is a “short-term” solution, insisted Éric Duhaime, who pleads for the resumption of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas resources in the province.

On Monday, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney announced the lifting of the gasoline tax in his province as of April 1, which will allow motorists to save 13 cents per liter there.


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