Due to lack of sufficient manpower, Airbus subcontractors are struggling to keep up

After a two-year period weighed down by the health crisis, activity has indeed resumed at Airbus. The aircraft manufacturer even plans to increase its production rate. Problem: its subcontractors lack the manpower to keep up. The aeronautics giant is therefore forced to revise its forecasts slightly downwards, as announced on Wednesday July 27.

Difficulties recruiting

Yes, there is a difficulty in recruitment (…) the problem is there. Companies do not find anyone to recruit in the aeronautical professions as a general rule. People have fled aeronautics a little bit, many people have converted to this problem that we experienced from the covid crisis.confirms Jean-Marc Moreau, Force Ouvrière union representative at Derichebourg, one of Airbus’ subcontractors, based in particular in Blagnac. Before the health crisis, his company had 1,700 employees in France. Since the passage of covid, this figure has fallen to 1,300. A loss that has not been fully compensated since, while production has indeed resumed. “We have not returned to the level of 2019, but the recovery is there, so there are indeed needs“continues the FO delegate, the majority union at Derichebourg.

At Airbus’ request, several subcontractors have changed their pace of work, going for example from 2×8 to 3×8 (succession of three teams for 8 hours of work each time), without necessarily having the necessary number of employees. A tense situation, but subcontractors don’t always have a choice if they want to remain competitive and not lose their markets.

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