Dubé reform | The bill causes fear in the network, according to Marissal

(Québec) The bill that Christian Dubé will present on Wednesday arouses fear in the network, according to the spokesperson for Québec solidaire en santé, Vincent Marissal.

In a press briefing at the National Assembly on Wednesday morning, Mr. Marissal said that the Minister of Health was a “bad boss” since he himself spoke of a health cataclysm.

The health network is however already “very shaken”, underlined Mr. Marissal, who says he sees that the minister adds a “layer of uncertainty”.

For several days, Mr. Dubé has been talking about a major health reform. He will present a bill on Wednesday which will notably create the Health Quebec agency, in addition to imposing new obligations on medical specialists.

The bill should also propose more centralized collective bargaining, network management that would go in the same direction, as well as differentiated wages according to regions and shifts.

“In the network, we are on the big, big nerve. Everyone is on the big nerve, the doctors, the managers, the nursing staff, ”said Mr. Marissal.

“He arrives with his big hooves, like a cowboy, saying: ‘Shut up, it’s ok. shaker“Frankly, it’s a bad way to operate,” he protested.

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