drug use under supervision at Teknival


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

Centre-Val de Loire, M. Vinayagamoorthy, N. Filiol, S. Renaud – France 3

France Televisions

More than 20,000 people are currently gathered on an agricultural field in Villegongis (Indre) for the Teknival. On the spot, nearly 400 gendarmes mobilized, as well as first aiders who do prevention on the dangers of alcohol and drugs.

In Villegongis (Indre), on the third day of Teknival, a techno music festival, the participants are still in good shape. The good atmosphere is there, but also alcohol and narcotics. Here, drugs are sold in the open, in full view of everyone. On site, from morning to evening, 11 risk reduction associations carry out prevention. Listening, dialogue, recommendation on cocktails to avoid, but also distribution of material.

Using drugs “under the best possible conditions”

“Whether we’re there or not, people are going to consume. The goal is for them to do so in the best possible conditions. For example, we know that when you snort a product, do not change your straw, lend it to yourself, this can be a risk of hepatitis C”, confides Nathalie Delrase of the Korzéame association. Despite everything, the excesses are multiplying, nearly 250 people have had to be taken care of by rescuers since the beginning of the festival. In order for the return to take place under the best conditions, the police have set up various test points around the festival.

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