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Potato producers face yield drops of 30 to 50% depending on the variety. Result : the potatoes will be smaller this year.
In Saint Marcel (Ain), it is the last day of harvest. On one plot, the harvester left many potatoes on the ground. “We realizes that we have a lot of small calibers. When we have a mechanized harvest, we realize that it is difficult to recover them all, so in fact, it is potatoes that are lost”explains Julian chapolardfarmer. Drought and water restrictions affected tuber development.
The farmer, who has been growing potatoes for five years, had never seen this. He estimates its loss of yield at 30 to 50% on old varieties, such as mona-lisaAgatha or Marabel. The farm supplies wholesalers, restaurants and packages by-products such as fries. This year, the calibers have changed. Potatoes are now smaller. Results : the Ain breeding pair will increase the selling price to the wholesaler by a few centimes per kilo on 1 November.