Drought: seawater desalination stations, a controversial solution


Video length: 3 mins.


Article written by

M.-C. Delouvrié, D. Breysse, AF. Poncet, P. Gangai France 3 Languedoc-Roussillon – France 2

France Televisions

Seawater desalination stations are the subject of debate. If they are an interesting solution to drought, they are still very expensive and consume a lot of energy. They also discharge very salty water into the sea, which has consequences for the seabed.

In Port-Vendres (Pyrénées-Orientales), it is now possible to drink desalinated seawater. This water has just come out of a small container that looks like nothing, but which, with its 77 solar panels on the roof, can produce 11,000 liters of fresh water per day, for self-consumption. Filtered under high pressure inside, this water was intended to wash the boats in the port, but with the drought, it will be reserved for winegrowers and neighboring towns.

Several concerns

To go much further, elected officials from the Pyrénées-Orientales visited a few days ago, in Barcelona (Spain), the largest desalination unit in Europe. It is currently running full diet to supply drinking water to a third of the city’s inhabitants. After that fresh water To been separated from the salt water, the remaining water, called brine, is returned to the sea. Her very high content raised in salt nis not without consequence on the seabed. A question that worries French elected officials. Desalination plants also remain very expensive, and consume a lot of energy, even before proceeding with desalination.

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