drought reveals submerged church, fishermen worried


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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In the grip of a major drought, Mexico has seen the reappearance of a church dating from 400 years ago. But the situation greatly worries sinners.

Like an apparition in the middle of the lake, the delicate arches of a 400-year-old Mexican church. It had been submerged since the construction of a dam in the 1960s. Recurrent droughts in recent years have returned its remains to the curious. We climb there and rest there or buy a meal from the fishermen. A small consolation for the latter, who are bearing the full brunt of the drought. Their facilities are not resistant to the changes undergone by the lake.

A situation that tends towards the worst

With the drop in water levels and the heat wave, the quantity of fish caught fell sharply. “About five months ago, the level of the dam began to drop. Until we get there, and it goes on”, regrets the head of the local fishing association. The church had reappeared for the first time in 2015, already due to the drought. It could only be approached by boat. Since then, the climatic situation in Mexico has continued to deteriorate.

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