“Drought” is a word in the news of agriculture

Each week, a word concerning food, food, gastronomy. Today: “drought”, appropriate after the torrid summer that is ending.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The drought is, this year, exceptional, with an impact on the fruit and vegetable stalls for the start of the school year. However, the current situation will tend to become the norm in the future. Global warming is here, it will have an impact on our agriculture and our food.

In the immediate future, there should be no shortage of the main products, even if prices, as in many sectors, have swelled: more than 10% in one year, according to the association Familles Rurales. For Thierry Marx, it is necessary to engage in deep reflection on supply circuits and consumption patterns.

“We want everything, always more, and cheaper! It doesn’t work anymore.”

Thierry Marx

at franceinfo

Food should in no way become the purchasing power adjustment variable, which can be changed by playing on mobile telephony, certain leisure activities, or real estate, for example. But we must not sell off food, it is our health that is at stake.

According to Thierry Marx, the agricultural world is already ahead on all these issues, contrary to certain received ideas: “It calls for a set of values ​​rather than a set of specifications. How to restore value to agriculture. The farmers have reflected on the surfaces to be watered, the saving of water or the treatment of products foot by foot .”

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