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The agricultural drought is further burdening the agricultural sector, already plagued by labor shortages, and weakened by the soaring cost of energy. Italy, the United Kingdom or Germany face the same difficulties.
Like France, all our European neighbors are affected by the agricultural crisis. In the United Kingdom, in one year, electricity has increased by 70%, gas by 130%. Unaffordable for many UK farms. In the United Kingdom, many vegetable growers have had to make difficult decisions: to produce less or to shift. In order not to have to heat the greenhouses during the coldest months, a producer, for example, decided to shift his production, and to sow two and a half months late.
In Germany, the price of fertilizers has soared
The result: shortages and rationing in supermarkets, where consumers are only allowed to buy a maximum of two or three batches of certain vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers. Germany is not spared by this soaring price. Thus, production continues to decline, minus 10% for the pork sector, and this is not the only sector affected. In Germany, the challenge for many farmers is the price of fertilizers, which has soared, multiplying the bill by 3.5 over the past year. Italy succeeded in limiting the rise in commodity prices, but could not avoid the drought. 30% of agricultural production is threatened. A situation that French farmers are also beginning to experience.