Drought: Elisabeth Borne activates an interministerial crisis unit



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In the morning of Friday July 5, the First minister, Elizabeth Borne, described the drought hitting France as “the worst ever recorded in our country”. Journalist Valéry Lerouge, live from the Place Beauvau (Paris)explains that the First minister activated an interministerial crisis unit.

Faced with the drought affecting France, the First Minister, Élisabeth Borne, activated an interministerial crisis unit, Friday July the 5th. Journalist Valery The Redlive from the Place Beauvau (Paris)explain that “the goal is to coordinate the services of the State and the departments as best as possible, and to report in real time the consequences of the drought on transport, on energy production, or even on the agriculture.

In a press release published on Friday morning, the First Minister pointed out that “It is a historic drought in several territories of France, and that it will last for two weeks, or even become even more worrying. Elisabeth Borne who, by the way, invites the French to make efforts on their water consumption. This first meeting of the crisis unit took place just now, here, Place Beauvau, at the Ministry of the Interior”concludes the journalist.

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