Despite torrential rains that have fallen in recent days on the south-east of Spain causing floods and significant damage, the country is still facing a historic drought. In the middle of the election period, political parties, on the right and on the left, took up the subject.
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According to the latest barometer from the Center for Sociological Research (CIS), published in May 2023, 89% of Spaniards are concerned about drought. April was the driest month since 1961. For the first time, the lack of water appears as one of the main problems for citizens.
The subject therefore imposed itself without surprise in the campaign for the regional and municipal elections. “Faced with the drought, we are going to do what we did with the pandemic or during the war: put all the resources of the State to protect our primary sector. The rural world will not be left behind”promised the head of government and leader of the Socialist Party, Pedro Sánchez, during a trip to Puertollano, in the region of Castile-la-Mancha.
An exceptional plan to deal with the drought
The government has released an envelope of 784 million euros, intended for farmers and breeders. “Electionist measures”denounced the leader of the opposition and president of the People’s Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “Farmers deserve more respect. They cannot be remembered only on the day the election campaign starts. I will not try to solve the water crisis just during the campaign. I will devote myself body and soul for four years to the question of water.”
Over the meetings, measures and electoral promises followed one another on the right, as on the left. “The irruption in the countryside of issues such as drought and water management is based on a very clear political strategy: that of a government that wants to appropriate the protection of the environment”, believes political scientist Juan Carlos Jiménez. “In addition, he wants the opposition, especially the People’s Party, to appear as a formation that opposes or denies the principle of climate change and environmental policies.
“It is [le problème de la sécheresse] an instrument of struggle between political parties”.
Juan Carlos Jimenezfranceinfo
But this political tussle over the drought is riling up some voters like Aurora. According to her, these are sterile speeches. “I’m very angry with our politicians because they talk, they talk… But they have to start acting and coming up with solutions. We have a huge problem with the drought. It’s no use to me, their lyrics. I want action and I want it now!”