Drought: aquatic fauna forced to be moved to survive



Article written by

T.Souman, L.Courté, C.La Rocca, E.Gleize, France 3 Regions – France 2

France Televisions

Due to the drought, the aquatic fauna is suffocating. The rivers are dry, and when the levels are correct, the water is too hot. Whether it is fish in the Vaucluse or crayfish in the Hautes-Alpes, the situation is dramatic.

In Neuvy-Saint-Sepulchre (Indre)on August 11, hundreds of fish died on the surface of a pond. Carp, catfish or roach have not withstood the historic drought experienced by France. The river that feeds the body of water had not flowed for weeks. The water became too hot, the fish suddenly lacked oxygen. So the fishing federations take action.

To Bollene (Vaucluse)the Lez is dry in some places. The fish have only a few water holes left to take refuge in, so they are saved in extremis by the Vaucluse fishing federation. In one morning, 300 kg of fish were recovered by the volunteers. They bring them back a few kilometers further, where the river is deeper. In the Vaucluse, these peaches are multiplying and more are needed.

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