drones seen above two nuclear power plants

There have not yet been any arrests in these cases, but the police are evoking “extremely serious events”.

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Drones were seen flying over Sweden’s Forsmark (east) and Oskarshamn (southeast) nuclear power plants, the country’s police said (in Swedish), Saturday, January 15. In the first case, the facts occurred on Friday evening, some 140 kilometers north of Stockholm. The authorities flew over the area in a helicopter and the men dispatched to the scene saw “The drone will move around Forsmark for a while before disappearing towards Gräsö (east of the power plant). Police [a continué] to try to locate the drone, including with his own drone, but without success”, explained the police on its site.

“There is no indication that the drone dropped anything on the area or that it landed”, she clarified. As for the intrusion at the Oskarshamn site, the authorities did not provide any details. Preliminary investigations, conducted at the regional level, have been opened, but no arrests have been made, at this stage, in these two cases. “These are extremely serious events. We are investigating a possible link, through national coordination, between the incidents”, said Petra Blomqvist, spokeswoman for the police, quoted by public television.

According to the local press, “objects” were also seen in the air near the Ringhals nuclear power plant (West) and the decommissioned Barsebäck power plant (South), without any intrusion being confirmed for the time being. These incidents come after the deployment of armored vehicles and dozens of armed soldiers on the streets of Visby, a port city located on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea – an unusual move taken in response to “Russian activity” increased in the region. Troops have since been reinforced on the island while troops were seen on Saturday in Oskarshamn.

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