Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :
Drones in Moscow: Russia says it foiled a Ukrainian drone attack on the Kremlin. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denies, “we did not attack Putin” he defends himself.
Constitutional Council : For the second time, the sages reject a request for a referendum on pensions that the left had filed in extremis, before the promulgation of the highly contested government reform.
Breakers: After the violence of May 1, should the anti-breakers law be resumed?
Justice reform: Eric Dupond Moretti announces more than 7.5 billion additional euros with massive hiring.
Lionel Messi: The Argentinian player went on a trip to Saudi Arabia without the agreement of the Parisian club, which suspended him in return. Has the point of no return been reached? After Ronaldo, Saudi Arabia works with Messi, a soft-power argument?
The informed:
Patricia Allemoniere, great reporter, specialist in international affairs
Thomas Clay, professor of law at the University of Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne & lawyer
Francois Reynaert, journalist & writer, columnist at the Obs
Stephane Vernay,Paris editorial director of Ouest France