drone attack on Crimean bridge kills at least two

Inaugurated in 2018 by Vladimir Putin, this strategic infrastructure is the only one to connect Russia to the Ukrainian peninsula, annexed by Moscow in 2014.



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Screen grab from video of the Crimean Bridge after the attack on its road section on Monday July 17.  (- / CRIMEA24TV)

Traffic is completely interrupted on the Crimean Bridge. The authorities of this peninsula annexed in 2014 by Russia confirmed an attack, Monday, July 17, around 3 am. Two civilians died, according to Moscow: a man and a woman who were traveling by car, said the Russian investigative committee in a press release. Their daughter was also injured.

This bridge, 18 km long, was targeted by “naval drones”recognized a source within the Ukrainian security services (SBU) to AFP. Inaugurated in 2018 by Vladimir Putin himself, it had already been targeted in October 2022 during a major unclaimed explosion. He is particularly strategic since it is the only one to connect Russia to the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.

Moscow threatens retaliation

A criminal investigation for “terrorist act” was opened after this attack. The Russian investigative committee has started its investigations on the bridge, the roadway of which was damaged. The building is coupled with another track dedicated to rail traffic. This section was not affected, the Crimean authorities even indicate that traffic resumed in the morning.

The President of the Russian Senate, Sergei Mironov, said after the attack that Moscow must retaliate, in particular by stopping its participation in the negotiations on the grain agreement, which expires this Monday at midnight. VSand episode will have logistical consequences for the Russian forces, estimated Andriï Yusov, the spokesman of the military information. The peninsula is according to him “an important hub” for the movement of their troops in Ukraine.

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