Drôme Nathalie Niéson cited among the “ministers” in the next government

What if a Drôme resident joined the future government? A paragraph published by the magazine L’Obs this Thursday is talking in the Drôme. Former senator Jean Besson even relays it on his facebook page. The name of Nathalie Niéson would have been cited by relatives of the President of the Republic as “minister”. The former PS deputy, supported by LREM in the last municipal elections, knows Emmanuel Macron. In January 2019, she welcomed him to her city for the first session of the great debate that followed the movement of yellow vests. She who is vice-president and treasurer of the Association of Small Towns of France could embody the mayors of these small towns.

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I don’t know at all where it comes from, there is nothing justified! – Nathalie Nieson

Nathalie Niéson says she is very surprised by this rumor. “I have no idea where it comes from” she tells us, specifying “there is no basis!”. In any case, the speculations on the ministers are not going to stop anytime soon. Because the President of the Republic has decided to give himself time. The future prime minister and his new government will not be appointed for at least a week, spokesman Gabriel Attal said. The new mandate only starting on May 14, the head of state theoretically has time before him.

An Ardéchois is also waiting to know what will happen. Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Public Accounts, is tipped among the ministers who would be renewed. The suspense will continue a little longer.

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