Driving license: how to finance it?

Monday, March 27, the National Assembly unanimously adopted a measure aimed at the creation of a new digital platform (called “a young person, a permit”), which will list all the aid to finance his driving license .

The purpose of this platform? Return the license “cheaper, simpler and faster”. Indeed, the driving license can take a long time and be very expensive depending on your geographical area.

Did you know ? The license costs on average 1804 euros (Source: UFC Que Choisir in 2016)

While waiting for this platform to go online, here are the different types of financing identified to date.

The different financing aids

There are many funding aids:

  • Help from Pôle Emploi or the Local Mission;
  • Permit at 1 euro per day;
  • Personal Training Account;
  • Assistance from local authorities;
  • And others…

Assistance with the permit from Pôle Emploi or the Local Mission

In order to find a job more easily, Pôle emploi and the Local Mission offer to finance part of the permit (category B) for certain categories of job seekers. So before you enroll in a driving school, ask your adviser for this help or find out more on the Pôle emploi or Mission Locale website closest to you.

Good to know : the maximum amount allocated by Pôle emploi cannot exceed 1,200 euros.

Permit at 1 euro per day

The permit at 1 euro per day gives the possibility of spreading the payment without additional costs. Accessible to young people aged 15 to 25 under certain conditions, this solution makes it possible to pay, at the rate of one euro per day, their training in category A and B of the driving licence. To qualify, you must choose an approved driving school.

More information on the Road Safety website

The Personal Training Account

Over your working years, you have accumulated a certain amount of money on your CPF. In addition to professional training, you can finance your driving license thanks to the training credit available on your CPF. In addition, to be covered, the training must be used for the professional project.

And good news! You can use it to finance the license exam in different categories: B, C1, C, D1, D…

Did you know ? The CPF financed 322,000 permits in 2021, i.e. 28% of the permits issued that year (Source: Le Monde)

Help from local authorities

Many departments, regions and municipalities help young people in their path to professional integration by offering to finance part of the driving licence. For more information, contact the services of your Regional Council, your Departmental Council or your municipality. Most of the time, communities allocate this aid in exchange for a few hours worked with a social, cultural or solidarity organization.

Help from a social driving school

Many associative driving schools help job seekers, beneficiaries of the RSA, young people without diplomas or people with disabilities to reintegrate into the workplace by financing the driving licence. Other audiences are also eligible for this aid. Do not hesitate to inquire at your town hall.

Other specific aids

Other aid exists to finance part or all of your driving licence. Here is a non-exhaustive list of all the aid for which you may be eligible depending on your situation:

  • Aid for apprentices aged at least 18 for the B permit (500 euros);
  • Assistance for people with disabilities (the PCH);
  • Help for National Guard Reservists;
  • The Youth Assistance Fund (FAJ)

And also…

You should also know that you can pass the highway code test for only 30 euros! To do this, you must take your exam as an independent candidate in the Swiss Post exam centres. And to spend hours driving, you can register on online permit platforms, such as Ornikar or En Voiture Simone.


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