Driver’s license at 17, assault in Bordeaux, Giorgia Meloni received by Emmanuel Macron … What to remember from the interview with Sébastien Chenu

The RN deputy from the North was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday June 21, 2023.

Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the Rassemblement national, deputy for the North and vice-president of the National Assembly, was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. franceinfoWednesday June 21, 2023. Driver’s license, assault in Bordeaux, Giorgia Meloni, Immigration, Ukraine… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Driver’s license 17 years old: “It’s going in the right direction”

“It’s going in the right direction”reacts Sébastien Chenu to the government’s desire to lower the legal age to 17 for a driver’s license. “It has a purpose, it is to allow, when you are young, when you are an apprentice for example, to be able to travel to areas in which there is no public transport”, he explains. But the MP drew attention to the various blockages that may exist to pass his driving license: “If it hasn’t solved the problem of inspectors, delays and cost, then it’s an announcement effect”, he said. The RN deputy quipped about the intentions of the Prime Minister: “I am convinced that Madame Borne, in her great wisdom who anticipated all this, will explain to us that she has resolved all these questions of great importance”he said.

Aggression in Bordeaux: “Nobody will prevent me from speaking”

The family of the grandmother and her granddaughter, victims of an attack in Bordeaux, demand the end of political recovery. Sébastien Chenu refuses to be silent: “No one will prevent me from speaking and saying what I think about security in our country, about delinquency, in the light of facts and which reach us through social networks” , he replied. The perpetrator of the attack is a homeless man born in France. After the revelation of this aggression, Marine Le Pen made the “link between anarchic immigration and the explosion of insecurity”. Sébastien Chenu believes that “Insecurity in France feeds on two things, obviously immigration, the uncontrolled migratory flow” And “laxity”. The deputy denounced the case of this “person who has been convicted of multiple offenses, who suffers from a mental illness, schizophrenia, and who walks the streets of Bordeaux”. It is, according to him, the result of a form of “laxity” and of “the poverty of the mental health system” In France.

Giorgia Meloni: “It’s up to the Italians to judge the results”

Sébastien Chenu does not want “have a judgment” on Giorgia Meloni “which would cool relations with Italy”. The head of the Italian government was received on Tuesday by Emmanuel Macron. She has not met Marine Le Pen. The RN deputy assures that his party is not angry with Giorgia Meloni despite the concessions made by his government on migration issues: “She defends the interests of Italy and the Italians who do not necessarily resemble the interests of the French and France on all points. She agrees to give up some sovereignty in order to benefit from the recovery plan of the European Union because Italy is financially much more dependent on the European Union than we are”he explains. “It’s up to the Italians to judge the results it will have or not”he said.

The EU and migrants: “What is the European Union involved in?”

The EU will ask Member States to receive a certain number of asylum seekers arriving in an EU country or, failing that, to make a financial contribution of €20,000 per asylum seeker not received. “What is the European Union getting involved in?”replies Sébastien Chenu. “France has been doing a lot of it for a long time and taking its share for a very long time. The idea that we are imposing on France what is called the distribution of migrants is scandalous”he believes. “Without asking the opinion of the French, we force the French to welcome additional migrants or else we impose a fine on France”he complains. “The only thing Europe can do is take care of the external borders. It doesn’t do it well” he said. According to him, “it is up to the States to define who enters their territory”.

Immigration law: “It’s a joke”

“All the measures that can go in the direction that we consider to be firmer, we can vote for them”, says Sébastien Chenu. But he denounces in the text of the government “the opening of a new way of immigration which is the regularization of illegal workers”. The government provides visas for undocumented migrants who work in occupations under pressure. “This proposal collapses the whole aspect of firmness” text, he says. According to him, this provision “is a joke. We are always told that the French don’t want to work. We were tricked for years with the example of garbage collectors. A few years ago, 70% of garbage collectors were foreigners because we told us, the French don’t want to do it. It’s a profession that has been profoundly renovated in its training, its attractiveness and its remuneration. Today, 70% of garbage collectors are French workers” he says.

Ukraine: “not in favor” of joining NATO

France will support Ukraine’s membership after the war. “I am not in favor of it”, reacts Sébastien Chenu. He would prefer that France “keep moving the lines to bring the opponents back to the table”, he said. He invites Emmanuel Macron to continue talking to Vladimir Putin: “There will be leaders one day who will succeed him and we have to hope for that. The sooner the better. But Russia will remain. We will have to talk to Russia, as we talk to world powers who are not great democracies”, he says. Sébastien Chenu felt that France had to get out of NATO’s integrated command “as soon as the conflict with Ukraine is over, I think we have to start this”he said.

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