Drive on bioethanol to save money

Cheaper and less polluting than traditional fuels, bioethanol, this alternative fuel, is attracting more and more people.

Is it really a good deal to drive on bioethanol? This fuel is increasingly popular with motorists.

franceinfo: What do you recommend Fanny Guinochet?

Fanny Guinochet: At the station, the price of bioethanol or superethanol, which comes from the fermentation of beets or cereals, has increased significantly in recent months, like other fuels. But it is still cheaper than gasoline, if only because it is more environmentally friendly, it is less taxed. But, it must be specified from the outset that running on bioethanol requires you to convert your internal combustion engine. IYou must equip yourself with a box, without this operation, you will damage your engine, and above all, this box must be approved, otherwise you risk a fine.

So it is better to avoid installing your box yourself. Beware of kits sold on the Internet with tutorials. Calling on approved professionals – a mechanic, a dealer – remains a good guarantee. All that to say that this initial conversion costs money – That depends on the vehicles, but it is necessary to count between 600/700 euros and 1600 euros. But you have to see it as an investment that will be amortized after several months.

And are there any helpers?

Yes, more and more communities are supporting the process, and that can really reduce the bill. The Paca region goes so far as to give 500 euros. Same for the Ile de France region too, that of Hauts de France pays 400 euros, find out. Taking all these criteria, it’s up to you to make your calculations. It also depends on the type of vehicle, if it consumes a lot or not, the more the car is greedy, and the more the box is profitable quickly, knowing that you will consume more bioethanol than unleaded 95.

To estimate from how long you will have amortized, reimbursed the housing and the savings generated, there is the site, produced by the sector which can be useful. Finally, last thing, to avoid worries, and therefore additional costs, you must redo your car registration document, and communicate the change to your insurer.

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