Dreams of Africa for the Jubilee of the Great Explorers

The documentary Dreams of Africa will be presented on October 15 and 16 in Montreal to mark the 50e anniversary of the Grands Explorateurs, a Quebec film-conference institution.

Posted at 2:03 p.m.

Charles-Eric Blais-Poulin

Charles-Eric Blais-Poulin
The Press

The feature film by Milan Bihmann and Muammer Yilmaz, which will be screened three times at the Salle Pierre-Mercure, offers an optimistic odyssey on the African continent.

Backpackers and seasoned filmmakers have fulfilled the wishes of people they meet at random in seven countries. Bihmann and Yilmaz have completed 18 projects, from rebuilding a burned-out library in Kenya to planting trees in a school in South Africa.

The sowers of happiness traveled some 8,000 kilometers by hitchhiking and by bus.

Viewings of the documentary Dreams of Africa are also planned on the South Shore and the North Shore until 1er November, and online until November 2.

Les Grands Explorateurs, which produce and broadcast film conferences on international travel and adventure, were founded by Serge Martin in 1972.

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