“Dream Boat Jane” by Gunwood, an ode to escape

Gunnar Ellwanger (vocals, guitar), Jeff Preto (bass, vocals), David Jarry Lacombe (drums, vocals): the sap of Gunwood is distilled three since the first steps of the group.

Strengthened by the string of praise and concerts that logically followed the release of the gripping “Traveling Soul” in 2017, the trio returns with a second album sewn by the hand of a master with Jean Lamoot (Black Desire, Alain Bashung…).

“Dream Boat Jane” embodies the maturity acquired by a trio whose approach, both rooted and open to their time, allows them to create a music before which labels fade away for the benefit of the depth of the vibrations.

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An ode to escape and a title track based on a boogie blues fever and the cutting edge of a slide guitar to soar, as if intoxicated by more freedom. Like a new record made during the sweltering years of 2020 and 2021 and which allows Gunwood toexpand its spectrum both in the compositions and in the production.

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