Drama at Astroworld Festival: 9-year-old boy in coma, Drake broken

His name is Ezra Blout, he is 9 years old and is between life and death. He was at the Travis Scott and Drake concert on November 5 with his father when the tragedy occurred. According to the news site ABC 13 Houston, the little boy fights to stay alive at the Texas Children’s Hospital. Little Ezra was on the shoulders of his father, Treston, whena crowd movement left eight dead and twelve wounded, during the Astroworld music festival.

According to information from American websites, the father was violently pushed around and passed out. His son fell and was allegedly trampled. When Treston Blout woke up, his boy was taken to the emergency room, as reported by his grandfather Bernon Blout. “He was listed as John Doe because no one knew his name and his father was still there.”, he told ABC 13 Houston.

Little Ezra’s family have informed that the boy has had a cardiac arrest, that he has swelling of the brain and that all his organs are damaged: his condition has “gradually worsened”. As for the other families of the victims of this tragedy, stupor and incomprehension reign. “I just think there should be some responsibility (..) He’s an innocent little kid, he didn’t deserve this, said Bernon Blout, the grandfather.

Rapper Drake, who gave a performance during the festival and is facing prosecution just like the companion of Kylie Jenner, reacted on Instagram, Monday, November 8. “I have spent the last few days trying to understand this devastating tragedy. I hate using this platform to express such a delicate emotion as grief but that is what I feel. I am heartbroken for families. and friends of those who have lost their lives and for all those who suffer. I will continue to pray for them and make myself useful in any way I can. May God be with you all “, can we read on the social network.

Travis Scott, who is accused of being behind the “chaos” During this night, as noted in a complaint filed against him in the Houston court, also expressed his sadness via Twitter.

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