Drainville must ban cell phones at school for the start of the 2023 school year

Cell phones have become an extension of ourselves; they allow us to communicate, in addition to storing our life. All our secrets in the same electronic box. Not for nothing is it so valuable.

Research is increasingly interested in the impact of screens and many suggest that for many, this addiction creates academic difficulties, behavioral problems, anxiety. According to the statements reported by The newspaper, Linda Pagani, professor at the University of Montreal and specialist in the effect of screens, is categorical: social networks work with “algorithms based on neuroscience to make people addicted. We increase our consumption, then we lose track of time. We become less productive, we have trouble remembering things, because we are too preoccupied with our digital life”. She proposes banning cell phones and other types of screens in educational establishments.

Unlike my four teenagers, I totally agree with her!

9 out of 10 teachers for the ban

In France, since 2018, a law confirms that the cell phone is prohibited in schools, in classes as well as outside.

Here, after a consultation of 7000 teachers, 9 out of 10 ask for its withdrawal from classes as in Ontario, since it is difficult to reconcile with school learning.

Based on the advice of doctors, the Swedish government wants to reduce the time spent by students in front of screens and bring textbooks back into the classroom. Sweden goes further by judging that the screens would be responsible for the drop in the level of the pupils.

caquist inaction

The Liberal Party and the Parti Québécois have called on the government to act, but so far, the government is pleading for the status quo. I am flabbergasted by the procrastination of the CAQ on this issue. It is urgent to act for the start of the school year in August 2023.

The case by case should not guide us. We need a clear directive everywhere in Quebec.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t believe the cellphone is a demon. He brings a lot of positives. But it’s time to ring the end of recess!

source site-64