Drainville is right: a professional order of teachers is useless

We were all scandalized and outraged by the behavior exposed in the public square of two teachers in front of their students.

• Read also: Troubled, several colleagues of “Ms. Chantal” decide to be absent

• Read also: Teacher who screams: “It’s horror”, loose Drainville

Their words are inexcusable and deserve to be punished. This does not justify the creation of a professional order for teachers and all the nonsense that has been written on the subject.

The staff who treated Joyce Echaquan at the Joliette hospital belonged to a professional order and that did not prevent her tragic end.

As for me, the incidents reported have highlighted the laxity of school administrators and the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of the Public Education Act (LIP) which include a procedure for the cancellation of the teaching certificate.

I agree that the problems are complex, however we should avoid falling into simplism by believing that a professional order would solve everything.

An old debate

It was in the mid-1990s that university professors in the faculties of education began to promote a professional teaching order, believing that it would give them greater control over their professional practice.

School board teachers did not buy into the academic view.

The debate, led by Minister Pierre Reid, resurfaced with the election of the PLQ. Jean-Marc Fournier subsequently inherited it. The professions office had been seized of it and concluded that the teachers did not want it. For the organization, this was a prerequisite.

The CAQ had it in its boxes, but it also gave up the project by noting the end of inadmissibility of teachers to the creation of such an order.

Bernard Drainville recognizes that the refusal is that of the teachers and not of the union apparatus. In addition, he is aware that the LIP contains all the provisions that allow him to act as a professional order.

fake news

I am not a follower of Donald Trump, but reading what has been written on the subject of the order, I could claim that it is full of fake news.

The government is far from kneeling before the unions. These are not as powerful as chroniclers claim.

Although some claim that it is an impossible mission, there are nevertheless dismissals of teachers. The collective agreement and job security do not protect incompetence. The role of the union is to ensure that the employer demonstrates this clearly.

There are also dismissals settled amicably. The defense at all costs of incompetent teachers set out by Patrick Lagacé turns out to be rubbish.

A professional order would not exempt the unions from their duty to represent and the school authorities from their duty to investigate.

The persistence of unfortunate situations too often depends on the laxity of management to take responsibility.

The Ontario College of Teachers is the only one in the world. Are we to believe that this is the only corner on Earth where students are valuable?

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