Dr Frédéric Saldmann: father of six children, he has been exposed for more than 30 years!

I’ve always been exposed“. From such a popular cardiologist and nutritionist, we wouldn’t have expected that! But doctor Frédéric Saldmann agreed to answer Jordan Deluxe’s ​​questions in all honesty on his show and to reveal that his account in bank had been in the red for many, many years, despite his salary and the sale of his books.

Rather prolific, he has indeed released more than ten books, some of which have been real bestsellers. We can cite in particular We wash our hands of it – all about the new hygiene rules Where The New Epidemics, two books released at the time of the H1N1 flu epidemic. But the doctor explained that it does not bring him much because “the majority of sales are made in paperbacks on which the authors receive less than 1 euro per copy“.

He also explained that his dry accounts were partly due to taxes and his six children. “When you live in France with lots of children and all that… Besides, you know, the important thing is not what you have but what you live“. At the insistence of the presenter, taken aback by these confidences, he ends up admitting that he likes to spend his money “in travels. I’m not a collector and I don’t have a car“, he reveals.

Relaxed on the subject, he assumes go”to his favorites” and in the “beautiful restaurants” because he “love good food“. The presenter then asks him to talk about the salaries of doctors: according to him, a “head of clinic earns around 3000 euros per month, a professor 5000“, which is not his case since he is part-time. We will not know more, the doctor keeping for himself the exact amount, coupled with all his external activities.

Regularly invited on television, he has been criticized several times by some of his colleagues who contest his writings. His latest book, Health ahead. The millennial secret that will change your lifewill be released in the next few days and to review the entire interview, it’s here!

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