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In some cities such as Nantes, Béziers or Grenoble, unusual complaints have been recorded by the police. Young people were stung by a syringe without their knowledge in a nightclub, before feeling unwell.
What happened during the weekend of April 15, in several nightclubs in Grenoble (Isère)? Seven people, five women and two men aged 17 to 22, filed a complaint after receiving injections in a nightclub. Zoé, victim of this attack, lost consciousness. “Doctors don’t necessarily think of GHB, they think of a heroin-type neurodepressant, or that kind of drug.“, she testified. The nightclubs concerned provided their CCTV images to the investigators.
At this point, no victim has reportedly been robbed or sexually assaulted. The nature of the product has not been revealed. These kinds of stings began in the UK in October 2021, where a young woman complained after being stung in the hand. In France, 60 cases have been identified. In Caen, Calvados, several people filed a complaint after a student carnival. “All I know is that it was injected into them without their knowledge, and they realized it by the sting sensation, by the hematoma that formed“, indicates Nathan Courbet, president of the carnival of the students of Caen.