dozens of inmates start a general brawl in the city jail, two seriously injured

A total of five detainees were injured, two of them seriously. About ten additional supervisors came as reinforcements.

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An important general fight broke out at the penitentiary center of Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales), France Bleu Roussillon reports Thursday, November 18, injuring five inmates, two of whom seriously.

The altercation started during the walk in the early afternoon, around 2 p.m. as 85 inmates descended into the yard. The exchanges of blows were very violent, based on artisanal weapons such as razor blades, pieces of glass, or even socks filled with jars of Nutella.

Five attackers were identified and placed in disciplinary quarters in the afternoon. It would be a fight against a background of rivalry, according to the supervisors, between the undocumented people and the others.

It took almost two hours for the guards to get the detainees back to their cells. In total, around thirty supervisors were mobilized, and Thursday evening, November 18, ten additional supervisors came from Toulouse to secure the meals of the detainees.

The Force Ouvrière Justice union deplores the lack of personnel which endangers the security of the establishment and of the detainees, especially during such events.

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