“dozens” of demonstrators killed by the police

What there is to know

Chaotic situation in Kazakhstan. From “tens” Protesters were killed by police on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, January 6 as they attempted to seize administrative buildings in Kazakhstan, the country’s police said. The country has been plunged since Sunday into a political crisis which caused the resignation of the government. Follow our live.

A deployed Russian intervention force. Moscow and its Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) allies on Thursday announced the dispatch of a “collective peacekeeping force” in Kazakhstan, as requested by this former Soviet republic shaken by riots. This organization brings together several former Soviet republics around Russia, including Belarus and Uzbekistan.

Movement of anger against the rise in gas prices. The anger began on Sunday after a rise in liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices in the western city of Janaozen, before spreading to the large regional city of Aktau, on the edges from the Caspian Sea, then to Almaty. The government had initially tried to calm the protesters, without success, by conceding a reduction in the price of LNG. The rise in gas prices is perceived by the population as unfair in view of Kazakhstan’s vast oil and gas resources.

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