Dozens of demonstrators for the convoy in Montreal

Dozens of people gathered at Parc Lafontaine in Montreal for a freedom convoy this afternoon.

• Read also: New “freedom convoy” in Montreal this weekend

• Read also: Pat King faces two new charges

• Read also: “Freedom convoy”: a policewoman accused of having supported the truckers

“Go home, wake up!” yelled a motorist passing near the gathering at the corner of Sherbrooke and Papineau streets.

Dozens of demonstrators for the convoy in Montreal

“Freedom, freedom,” chanted between two whistles the protesters, with flags of Quebec and Canada in their hands.

Dozens of demonstrators for the convoy in Montreal

Protesters mainly come to La Fontaine Park to oppose Bill 15 passed unanimously last week in the National Assembly.

Dozens of demonstrators for the convoy in Montreal

It should be noted that under this law on youth protection, the interest of the child must always take precedence over any other consideration, even that of his parents. This was created, among other things, to avoid another tragedy like that of the little girl from Granby that occurred in 2019.

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