Doug Ford defends his decision to appoint his nephew minister

Ontario Premier Doug Ford defends his decision to appoint his nephew Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism.

Mr. Ford was asked about the appointment on Monday at his first press conference since presenting his new cabinet of 30 people last week.

The Premier said his nephew Michael Ford has “extensive experience”, having previously served on Toronto City Council and as a school trustee.

“I think he’ll do a really good job,” Doug Ford said Monday. He has a lot of knowledge and has been elected probably longer than over 60% of our caucus. »

The cabinet presented on Friday has many ministers in the same roles they held under the last Ford government, including on key issues such as housing and education.

Among the changes was the appointment of former Solicitor General Sylvia Jones as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health.

Besides Michael Ford, there are a few new faces, including Michael Kerzner, a bioscience and technology entrepreneur elected to York Center and appointed Solicitor General, as well as Graydon Smith, the former mayor of Bracebridge, who will take the post of Minister of Wealth. natural and forest.

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