The untouchables were affected. The golden couple corroded. And it seems that the “flattering” of thighs and the flavored popsicles were not appreciated by the public.
Nothing happened for three months Double occupancy Andalusia and, bang, everything exploded in the last week, it’s mind-blowing. The highlight of the turnovers? The coronation, Sunday evening, of the neglected couple formed by Simon D’Onofrio, 28, and Mia Bleu-Voua, 22, who never uttered the words “I love you” in Spain, but who rushed ahead lovebirds Lara and Vincent, fans of body fusion since their first can of Truly.
It was popular discontent – and a protest vote, unheard of in OD – that propelled Simon and Mia directly into Ray Junior Courtemanche’s condo in Mirabel. This “rebellion” stems from the petty elimination, Wednesday evening, of the favorite couple composed of the clinical nurse Marie-Andrée, 26 years old, and her carpenter Anthony, 27 years old. The faithful of the Noovo show really did not digest their strategic ousting, based on friendly affinities (Lara notably had friction with Marie-Andrée) rather than on long-term romantic potential, which usually serves as a barometer in this type of crucial choice.
A vendetta movement on social networks was then launched to punish the four “traitors” (Lara, Vincent, Rebecca and Mathieu Pasta) who drafted Simon and Mia for the last trip to the Maldives, rather than Marie-Andrée and Anthony, who were sacrificed.
By stuffing the popular vote for Simon and Mia, angry fans ensured that none of OD’s four overconfident peepholes won the estimated $500,000 jackpot. Their Machiavellian plan worked. And justice triumphed!
Cut off from the outside world since the start of the real-life TV adventure, Simon and Mia knew nothing about this wave of protest which put them on the top step of the podium. Under a shower of golden confetti, they looked stunned that their atypical journey, where they took their time, sometimes being awkward, had paid off. “Everything we experienced is authentic, we are together and we love each other,” said Simon after the announcement of this surprising victory.
To think that Simon, a marketing consultant from Sainte-Thérèse, almost gave up his ticket to the Maldives, believing that his relationship with Mia, a social work student from Trois-Rivières, was worth less than that of the other finalists. Fortunately, Mia convinced him not to quit, because in OD, we never go back down and we never give up, OK?
The live portion of the OD finale, lasting around twenty minutes, was not very successful. The speakers were not looking into the right cameras, we never saw the photo of Simon and Mia come out of the famous envelope, Alicia Moffet was shouting into her microphone and the dim lighting poorly showed the faces of the people in the crowd.

Fred Robichaud and Alicia Moffet
Unaccustomed to performing live, Fred Robichaud got upset a few times and uttered a typically OD sentence before an ad break. “In a few moments, we will all discover together who the public has decided to elect [sic] winning coupleDouble occupancy Andalusia “, he said into the microphone, smiling. Also, the applause on the forearms as in Star Academy in 2003, we stopped that, thank you.
At least this unconventional finale, after a super smooth course, will provide good material to The moment of truthscheduled for Sunday, December 3 at 6:30 p.m.
Because no one is able to hear about the “off cam” flirtation between Rebecca and Anthony, which was blown out of proportion for absolutely nothing. What a waste of time. Even more so than the debate on questions about Céline’s “snapscore”, which caused the downfall of entrepreneur Mathieu Bijou, 23 years old.
At the start of the episode, the getaway to the Maldives was “insane” and the six finalists “enjoyed” it, to use the pernicious Franglais of The island of love, who infiltrated OD this fall. Of the 17 seasons of OD, it is in this archipelago in the Indian Ocean that the most heavenly and breathtaking images in the history of this reality show, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, were captured.
The blue lagoons, the atolls bathed in crystal clear water, night diving, Lara and Vincent’s villa on stilts, sunbathing on a 45-foot yacht, we should start putting money aside to afford such an escapade luxurious by 2037.
And our friends absorbed this dream place like sea sponges. While scuba diving, Lara, 27, was struck by a divine illumination: “it looks like you’re in an aquarium with fish,” said she commented, stunned.
The paddle board and coconut competition transformed the very enthusiastic Fred Robichaud into Patrice Bélanger of Survivor Quebecbut with loose clothes like Jay Du Temple.
In OD, the tribe also spoke. The tribe was frustrated and decided to revolt against four opportunistic competitors by massively supporting the friendly clown Simon and his little aloe Mia, who calms and soothes him. A little collective balm on the hearts of grieving viewers, who will have been avenged. Olé, as they say in Andalusia (or in a song by the 11:30 twins, pronounced Eleven Thirty).