Double murder in Pouyastruc: the profile of the killer




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The man wanted for a double murder committed in the Hautes-Pyrénées is a former soldier practicing sports shooting. The investigation is moving towards a perhaps premeditated crime, in a context of separation and romantic rivalry.

The individual who shot dead a man and a woman in Pouyastruc (Hautes-Pyrénées) at the start of the week remains actively sought, Wednesday July 6. While his hunt continues in France, but also in Spain, where his motorcycle was found, his profile becomes clearer. He is a former reserve soldier, a sport shooting enthusiast. The man was in the process of divorcing the slain teacher. The other victim would be the new companion of this one. “We have good reason to believe that this drama is linked to this context of separation”said the public prosecutor of Tarbes.

About sixty gendarmes are mobilized to find the suspect, considered potentially dangerous. They are supported by the GIGN and the Spanish authorities. A judicial investigation must be opened for assassination. Investigators suspect a premeditated act.

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