Double murder in Pouyastruc: Revelations about the 2 victims who had become romantically close

On July 6, 2022, the Tarbes prosecutor, Pierre Aurignac, organized a press conference to take stock of the investigation into the double murder of teachers in a village in Haute-Garonne, Pouyastruc. A terrible tragedy that bereaved the relatives of the two victims but also the entire Desaix college in Tarbes where they taught and were very popular: Gabriel Fourmigué was a 55-year-old physical education and sports teacher, father of two grown-up daughters and separated from his wife ; Aurélie Pardon, mother of two young children, was also separated from the father. She was teaching French. During his speech, the prosecutor gave details of the relationship between the two deceased persons, information which could have a capital role in understanding the motivations of the murderer.

After confirming that the two victims were injured by a firearm as the autopsies revealed, the public prosecutor gave details of the links which united them during the press conference relayed in particular by BFMTV. “The two victims had become romantically close for a few weeks as part of a school tripe,” he said. Which is why the investigation is heading into the family sphere. Suspect and victim Aurélie Pardon were going through a divorce and already separated.”We have good reason to think that this drama is linked to this context of separation. We are actively looking for the husband of one of the victims who has not reappeared since“, continues the prosecutor.

The two teachers were found in Pouyastruc on July 4. Neighbors alerted the gendarmerie after discovering the dying body, “lying in his blood” and naked of the victim Aurélie Pardon, in the street. Quickly on the spot, the authorities then discovered in the house next door and in his bathroom the other victim, Gabriel Fourmigué. The investigations are therefore heading towards a crime passionate and the presumed culprit is Cédric Tauleygne, 34, the victim’s ex. He is currently on the run in Spain. His motorcycle was last seen near Jaca in the Aragon area. Former gendarme and reservist , he masters the codes of survivalism, knows how to handle weapons and is therefore considered dangerous.

Cédric Tauleygne is presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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