Double murder in Pointe-Saint-Charles: the SPVM already has a suspect in its sights

The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) has already targeted a possible suspect in the case of the double murder of a grandmother and her granddaughter which occurred on Thursday. The crime occurred in the Pointe-Saint-Charles district.

• Read also: [PHOTOS] Grandmother and 22-year-old granddaughter shot dead in Montreal

“We have not made any arrests for the moment, but the investigation is progressing very quickly. We have a potential suspect,” confirmed Mariane Allaire-Morin, SPVM spokesperson, on Friday.

Double murder in Pointe-Saint-Charles: the SPVM already has a suspect in its sights

Thierry Laforce / QMI Agency

The investigation is therefore proceeding at high speed in this sordid affair which occurred on Thursday night, on Mullins Street.

Around 2:40 a.m., an individual cowardly attacked Huguette Maranda Racette, 73, and her granddaughter, Jade Racette Beaulieu, by shooting them in front of witnesses. He had broken into an apartment in an apartment building.

Double murder in Pointe-Saint-Charles: the SPVM already has a suspect in its sights

Photo taken from Instagram, @racettejaade

The helpless septuagenarian, who took care of her grandchildren while her daughter was out of the country, died on the spot.

Double murder in Pointe-Saint-Charles: the SPVM already has a suspect in its sights

Described as a kind woman, the granny appeared to live with a disability, according to what her neighbors reported to the Log after hearing the sad news of his passing.

Ms. Racette-Beaulieu succumbed to her injuries in hospital.

Sustained efforts

If the reasons for this double murder remain nebulous, acquaintances of the young women told us that she could have bad company.

On Thursday, the SPVM was already scrambling to collect as much evidence as possible from the crime scene.

This was scrutinized with a fine-toothed comb by investigators and forensic identification technicians.

Even the canine unit was dispatched to search the surroundings. Casings were located in the apartment.

These were the 37th and 38th murders to occur in the metropolis this year.

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