double blow in 110 meters hurdles, bronze for Pontvianne … What to remember from the seventh day

The French delegation won three more medals in these European championships in Munich, Wednesday August 17, which bring the total to 38 (10 in gold, 12 in silver, 16 in bronze). Over 110 meters hurdles, Pascal Martinot-Lagarde and Just Kwaou-Mathey won silver and bronze. Jean-Marc Pontvianne won his first international medal thanks to his third place in the triple jump.

110m hurdles: Martinot-Lagarde close to the goal, Kwaou-Mathey surprise

Everything was played to a thousandth. Defending champion, Pascal Martinot-Lagarde was beaten by the Spaniard Asier Martinez, in the final of the 110m hurdles. The frustration is great, but “PML” still brought home a twelfth international medal, with this silver charm. Just behind him, Just Kwaou-Mathey won a bronze medal that looked like confirmation. In 13.33, the young hurdler climbed nineteen thousandths behind the Spanish winner. As for Sasha Zhoya, third Frenchman qualified, he fell on the last hurdle and had to settle for eighth and last place.

Triple jump: Jean-Marc Pontvianne rewarded

First international charm for Jean-Marc Pontviane. A third try at 16m94 (-0.5m/s) was enough for him to take third place in the competition, biting on each of his other five tries. The Frenchman takes third place, behind the untouchable Pedro Pichardo (17m50), reigning Olympic champion, and the Italian Andrea Dallavalle. The other French driver, Enzo Hodebar, finished seventh.

A strange scene also occurred during the event, when the Swede Jesper Hellström chose to make the gallery laugh when he realized that one of his attempts would not lead him very far.

Pole vault: the French gain experience

She had invited herself to the best European pole vaulters by exploding her record at Nantua (4m52). Julie-Married Bonnin, 20 years old, continues to make rapid progress. Surrounded by Ninon Chapelle, back from maternity and eliminated in qualifying, and of Margot Chevrier, finalist of the Worlds ofEugenethe Bordelaise was playing her first international competition in the big leagues.

And it is she who made the best performance tricolor this Wednesday, passing the bar of 4m55 on his second try: nNew personal best in pocket. The pole vaulter failed at 4m65, after two attempts not far from passing at this height.

Munich 2022 / pole vault (F): a final that touches the heights!

The podium was played higher. The phenomenon Wilma Murto (4m85) dethroned the Greek katerina Stefani, five-time European champion, after a very tough competition. Slovenian Tina Sutej completes the podium. For its part, the Nice Margot Chevrier stumbled on the bar of 4m55, far from his record at 4m70, achieved in June. She finished tenth in the competition.

Hammer throw: disappointment for Alexandra Tavernier

World record holder Anita Wlodarczyk absent, the opportunity was good for Alexandra Tavernier. But, the Frenchwoman ranked twelfth and last in the hammer throw final. With a better throw at 66.60m, she couldn’t break into the top eight to get three more tries.

Annoying, especially since the medal was “super affordable, more than on any competition”, by the admission of the person concerned in the mixed zone. The new European champion, Bianca Ghelber, indeed won with a throw of 72.72 m. That’s three meters less than Tavernier’s personal best…

Cycling: Audrey Cordon-Ragot at the foot of the podium, Stefan Bissegger titled

No tricolor medal either in road cycling, against the clock, neither for men nor for women. Audrey Cordon-Ragot failed 26 seconds from the bronze medal and finished a distant fourth Switzerland’s Marlen Reusser (30’59”), who retained her title. For her part, Juliette Labous, who started off very strong, paid off in the last kilometers and finished sixth (+1’02”).

The Frenchwoman covered the 24 kms of the time trial in 31:53, placing her fourth in the final.  An event won by the Swiss Marlen Reusser in 30:59.  Despite this place at the foot of the podium, Audrey Cordon Ragot looks ahead to Sunday's race and is optimistic.

At men’s, the Swiss Stefan Bissegger won the time trial, with only three tenths ahead of his compatriot Stefan Küng, yet double title holder. “Only” third (9″ from Bissegger), the double world champion Filippo Ganna settled for bronze. Two Frenchmen were entered. Kévin Vauquelin finished in a satisfactory seventh place, 1’12”, and Anthony Roux a little further, 21st at 2’06”.

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