Double Ax Murder | Life imprisonment without the possibility of release before 18 years for Benjamin Soudin

Benjamin Soudin, who violently killed two women with an ax in March 2021 in Sainte-Sophie, in the Laurentians, is sentenced to life in prison, without the possibility of parole for 18 years.

Posted at 1:18 p.m.

Isabelle Ducas

Isabelle Ducas
The Press

The 33-year-old man pleaded guilty to second-degree murder charges on Friday morning at the Saint-Jérôme courthouse and received his sentence shortly after.

Soudin murdered his ex-spouse Myriam Dallaire, 28, as well as her mother, Sylvie Bisson, 60, in the bigenerational house where they lived. Both women died of their injuries after being taken to hospital.

After the double murder, Soudin had left the residence by car. Shortly after, he was seriously injured in a collision with another vehicle in Saint-Jérôme, also injuring the other driver.

He pleaded guilty Friday morning to another count of dangerous driving causing bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to two years in prison.

The murderer was due to stand trial by jury next September, but cut court proceedings short by pleading guilty to second degree murder.

“As soon as he was arrested, Mr. Soudin said he wanted to plead guilty because he did not want a trial, he did not want to put the family through that,” said his lawyer, Mr.and Marie-Helene Giroux. “He recognized his wrongs. »

He automatically receives a life sentence. Mand Giroux as well as the Crown prosecutor, Ms.and Caroline Buist, made a joint recommendation that he should not be eligible for parole until age 18.

This recommendation was endorsed by Judge Catherine Perreault.

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