Dorothée married to a fan: all about their secret union!

Former iconic host of the shows Recess A2 and Dorothee Club, Dorothée (real name Frédérique Hoschedé) has now found love and is living happy days in Normandy. The magazine Publishedc, in its edition of Friday February 5, 2021, had recently revealed how the 68-year-old singer had met the man of her life. “The lucky winner is called Vincent, he is 50 years old, and he would have officially united with Dorothée seven years ago, in the greatest secrecy (…) The one who has found the way to his heart is a former fan whose childhood was punctuated by the programs of Dorothée“, thus revealed our colleagues.

Very admiring of the career of the pretty blonde, her mysterious prince charming would have become her assistant after meeting her in the 2000s. From this professional collaboration is quickly born a beautiful love story. “Between them, strong bonds are woven. The presenter agrees to be the godmother of the children’s musical In the kingdom of sweets, of which Vincent is one of the directors and actors, and which is played at the Olympia between 2006 and 2007. She will even be at his sides to greet the public during the last“, specifies the magazine which adds that only the very close friends of the star had the chance to meet the man of her life.

Jacky, one of his best friends, had also confirmed the union of Dorothée in the show A flash of Guény. According to him, the former host would travel a lot with her husband. If she has long put her love life on hold (this is also the reason why she has not become a mother), Dorothée now seems to reconcile private life and professional life to perfection. Moreover, the host could quickly return to the small screen according to producer Jean-Luc Azoulay … “I walk from the heart…” Dorothy had indicated to TV 7 Days. Who knows, maybe we will soon discover the actress and her darling in a future television series?

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