Dorismond sees himself working hand in hand with Dubé

The newly elected MP for Marie-Victorin, Shirley Dorismond, believes she has the tools to become Christian Dubé’s right arm in his quest to put an end to compulsory overtime (TSO) and increase the share of private health care.

The trained nurse, who obtained 35% of the votes on Monday in the by-election in the Longueuil riding, sees herself playing an important role in the advancement of the health reform plan presented at the end of March by the Minister of Health and Social Services. She also expects to be offered a place of choice alongside Mr. Dubé.

“I have been [dit] I often went to work with Mr. Dubé. I will have some information to follow, ”she said in an interview withThe dutyWednesday.

The former union representative will do everything possible to put an end to the use of TSO in the health network, she assures. “Of course it will take time. You have to be honest. We have to learn to reorganize our work and see if it all works,” she said on the phone.

The schedule self-management system prioritized by Minister Dubé will have its effects, she predicts. The proof: it was working when she first set foot on the network. “The 2015 reform increased mandatory overtime. While when I joined, we made our own schedules, then we did not make any, compulsory overtime, ”says Mme Dorismond.

The TSO has been one of the main grievances of Quebec labor organizations for several years. M’s former employerme Dorismond, the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ), even went to an international body last February to file a complaint for “forced labour”.

Asked about her relations with her former union colleagues, the new representative of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) said she was “looking ahead”. “I didn’t ask what their reactions were. It’s none of my business. »

The “Dorismond” recipe

To save the Quebec care network, we must “do more and do better in home care”, in addition to resorting more to the private sector, supports the elected CAQ member. As Prime Minister François Legault has already hinted, 20% of the solutions go through the private sector, indicates Dorismond at To have to.

“During the pandemic, we had one of the best vaccination campaigns in the world. Pharmacies have been of great help. They raised their hands. It happened quickly, she says. Nobody disputed that. »

“It’s proof that it can be useful. We never said we would charge anyone, ”she adds.

The 76and member of the CAQ parliamentary group places the addition of home services as a “number one priority”. “It’s all in the resources. I believe that we have all the possible professionals to do it,” says Dorismond. The Ppilot project recently launched by the Jewish General Hospital of Montreal to unclog its emergencies could become a model, she notes. “It could be permanent,” she says.

Minister ?

Shirley Dorismond says she wants to move forward “step by step” in the six months that separate her from the general election. However, she would not refuse a position in the Council of Ministers.

“I will start by being the MP for Marie-Victorin, then we will see. […] The Coalition avenir Québec, of course, has always taken on people from different backgrounds. [Lionel] carmant or [Ian] Lafrenière are people in the field. I think it’s important, the ground, ”says the community nurse by training.

Prime Minister Legault has not carried out a major cabinet reshuffle since June 2020, when Minister Dubé became Health Minister, Sonia LeBel inherited the Treasury Board and Simon Jolin-Barrette was entrusted with Justice.

Recently, two CAQ ministers announced their upcoming departure from active politics: they are Danielle McCann and Marguerite Blais. The members of Sanguinet and Prévost, however, have planned to complete their respective mandates.

François Legault and Christian Dubé repeatedly reiterated during the by-election in Marie-Victorin that they wanted to see Mme Dorismond enter government because his experience would allow him to “contribute to the necessary changes in health”.

According to our information, the swearing-in ceremony of Mme Dorismond as MP will be held by the end of the month.

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