Don’t throw away your cutlery, eat it with Spoontainable

Spoontainable’s website.

For a few years, we have been hunting for disposables. Plastic cutlery? Straw ? Out ! What if we could make something edible instead of disposable? This is the idea behind the company spoontainable which comes to us from Baden-Württemberg, which offers you to eat your cutlery.

The two creators developed their recipe in the kitchen of their roommate, started their internet adventure a few years ago during their studies, and their start-up has become a fairly well-known company in Germany. If that appeals to you, I tried it, the taste is quite neutral, or chocolate, it’s new. The spoons are vegan, since they are created from oat shells and cocoa. Plus, it’s sturdy enough for you to eat your ice cream with, without it breaking. Spoontainable now also produces edible cocktail straws and mixers. If you have a business, if you want some for your home, click on the spoontainable dot com site, for a world without plastic, and where you consume everything you paid for!

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