For those who do not live with anxiety, it can be difficult to imagine the extent of the tentacles and the strength of this unwanted roommate. For those who know him too well, there is this feeling of loneliness. In Don’t stress, kitty!11 women with sharp pens open up about this evil that invites itself into their lives without ever being invited.
Posted at 7:30 p.m.
Led by Joanie Pietracupa, Magazines Editor-in-Chief Vero, Elle Quebec and She Canadaherself struggling with generalized anxiety disorder, Don’t stress, kitty! is a collection of short personal stories, without façade, sometimes painful, sometimes luminous.
We happily find the poetic pen of Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay there: “The high tides are formidable, those that we see coming for miles around. Sometimes I wish they would take me away. Make me kelp. Remind me. »
And Catherine Éthier’s direct and never free of humor writing: “It’s going to pass. Like the 45 bus. It always ends up passing. It’s just that sometimes you freeze for a long time on the corner. »
Then we discover the writing talent of Caroline Décoste, the illustrations of Safia Nolin, the sense of rhythm of Ines Talbi and the authenticity of Stéphanie Boulay. All the texts in the collection do not have the same literary quality, but all certainly testify to a generosity and great courage in exposing the pangs of anxiety that we too often tend not to want to show or see. . Don’t stress, kitty! is also a nod to this benevolent impression, but a bit clumsy. And this book shows that anxiety is much stronger than that.

Don’t stress, kitty!
Collective, under the direction of Joanie Pietracupa
KO Editions
160 pages