Don’t look up, Netflix’s awesome Christmas present for its subscribers!

“Don’t look up” is a comedy by director Adam McKay to whom we already owe a lot of great comedies with Will Ferell that I don’t have time to tell you about here, but look at them it’s really very funny. Don’t Look Up is one of the craziest movies I’ve seen in a long time.
2 scientists played by Léonardo Di Caprio and Jennifer Lawrence, discover a huge new comet. The concern is that this comet, more than 10 km long, is heading straight for Earth and that if we do nothing to stop it, in 6 months our planet will be a distant memory. You are going to say to me “Great a disaster movie with a meteorite which destroys the planet, we have already seen it 1000 times, no thank you Robin! And yet this is where the film takes a turn never seen in the cinema! It is that the 2 scientists warn the whole world, the President of the United States but also the media and that… Nobody cares. The president is too busy managing her image because a sexy photo of her has leaked on the net, and the media are too busy with the separation of a couple of influencer-people singers. And suddenly ? And suddenly it’s really very funny!

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So beware, “Don’t look up” is very funny, it’s true. Corn it’s not a film that is ONLY funny, he is also very intelligent in what he denounces and everyone takes for his rank. Whether it is politics in general with this formidably incompetent president played by a Meryl Streep in very good shape, advised by her stupid son played by Jonah Hill, always very funny, the media and their way of making the info ever lighter so as not to stress the viewers and not to scare them away, their way of making a buzz about anything, billionaires geeks, I don’t know if it’s Bill Gates or Elon Musk who is targeted, but there are some who is absolutely unbearable. And then also and above all… The people… The fact of denying the evidence, of looking for conspiracies everywhere, of not believing in the formal proofs of science etc… Yes yes clearly it will remind you of the behaviors that we have a lot seen in recent months. The director himself admits that he has increased the degree of madness of his film by seeing the misdeeds of the Covid crisis on the American people. Don’t look up has no limit, the film dares everything, you’ve never seen it, the cast is incredible, for me it’s one of the best films of this year which ends and this is Netflix’s gift to us for Christmas, the movie is coming out today, watch it, you won’t regret it!

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