After The Big Short and Vice, Adam McKay offers a satire full of effective gags, which nevertheless leaves a bitter taste because it is based on a background of truth. In Don’t Look Up (Cosmic denial is the title of the film in French), the filmmaker illustrates how the politicization of all issues, especially those based on science, and the disinformation relayed by supporters of alternative facts are squarely leading humanity to its demise.
Don’t Look Up is the slogan proudly endorsed by those who support United States President Janie Orlean. Portrayed by Meryl Streep, an overestimated actress according to Donald Trump, this politician refuses to take the necessary measures when two astronomers (Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence) come to warn her of the imminent danger that threatens the Earth if nothing is done to deviate the trajectory of a huge comet. The most powerful woman in the world prefers to invite the good people not to “give in to fear” and rather to look down to the ground than to the sky. This does not prevent him from seeking help from private companies …
Leonardo DiCaprio must have had a great time when his character, very measured at the start, made a live scandal on the set of a TV show hosted by optimistic presenters at all costs (Cate Blanchett and Tyler Perry, excellent ). As a naturally brash graduate, Jennifer Lawrence also delivers an excellent performance.
If the whole could have been better tightened, we salute the guts of Adam McKay for having held his idea to the end, without compromising on the outcome. In that regard, the first post-credits scene is hilarious. There is another – a little less successful – at the very end of the credits.
In theaters this Friday and on Netflix on December 24

Don’t Look Up
vf: Cosmic denial
Adam mckay
With Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Timothée Chalamet
2 h 20