Don’t go to your holiday parties if you’re sick, insists Dr Boileau

10 days from Christmas Eve, the epidemiological situation is “worrying” at a time when respiratory viruses are circulating abundantly and emergencies remain “very busy”.

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If the peak of the flu “may have been reached”, we still see no sign of decreasing and it remains “very high”, underlined Wednesday the national director of public health, Dr Luc Boileau, according to whom “we are in a fragile situation”.

“Scientific data shows us that we are in the middle of an influenza season and this situation is occurring earlier than usual,” said the head of Quebec public health.

Meanwhile, COVID-19, a “more serious” disease with a higher death rate among vulnerable people, is showing signs of progress.

“We are projecting a further rise in the contagion, particularly during this holiday season which is characterized by many contacts.”

If the holiday celebrations can take place, the mixing of generations worries Dr. Boileau, especially since fewer adults over the age of 60 have experienced COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.

Public Health implores all those who will have symptoms to avoid social gatherings.

“We are 10 days away from Christmas Eve. Those who start getting COVID today will be contagious until Christmas Eve. It is a period that must be kept in mind,” said Dr. Boileau.

“There is really a concern to be had collectively to avoid that each one is found to be sick and to generate things which are really difficult for more vulnerable people. Now is not the time to take risks.”

More details to come…

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