Don’t forget the lyrics: Natasha reveals her “love at first sight” for another maestro!

11th in the ranking of the best Maestros, with a prize pool of 242,000 euros… Natasha impressed everyone on the show Do not forget the lyrics broadcast on France 2 and presented by Nagui.

Last Tuesday, during an interview granted to the magazine Current wife, the 35-year-old candidate decided to say a little more about her participation in the show. And in particular on his very special relationship with another maestro of the program: Kristofer. The latter had been very complimentary towards the Héraultaise on his Twitter account, calling her “very nice person” and of “very touching“.

“Can’t wait to meet him”

I can tell him the same. We talk to each other a lot and I really love it. I can’t wait to meet him in the Masters. We send lots of vocals, he’s a very nice person with whom I fell in love at first sight” she replied. An intense but purely friendly relationship since the pretty blonde is no longer a heart to take, as she recalled in this interview, without revealing the identity of her darling. “We’ve been married for six years and we’ve been together for eight years” she said, before telling what he thought of his participation in the show.

He is very, very proud. He encouraged me enormously. He was a psychological support for me. I could have represented myself after a year, but I represented myself after two years because I was not sure of myself. He was there to give me confidence and to say to me: ‘Anyway, you will never know everything after two years. Introduce yourself, otherwise you never will’. He advised me a lot” she acknowledged.

“He gives me the stability that I never had before him. He really taught me to have confidence in myself and to try things, even when I didn’t believe in it. He was a driving force for me.” she said, also adding that she reads the negative remarks about her with him,”because it plays down everything“. So she has a shoulder to lean on, and maybe even two, if you take into account her intense friendship with Kristofer.

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