“Don’t forget, never forget!”, Launches Elisabeth Borne to young people during the commemoration of the 80th anniversary in Paris

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12:21 p.m. : @Yann The president will speak at 3:30 p.m. from Pithiviers, in Loiret, where a memorial installed in the station will be inaugurated. Note that the President of the Republic does not systematically speak during these commemorations, and this well before the mandate of Emmanuel Macron.

12:20 p.m. : E. Macron does not speak to commemorate? He only lets Elizabeth Borne speak?

12:18 p.m. : “80 years after the roundup, we reaffirm it. The republic will be the refuge of those who suffer and have suffered, the Republic will always lead the fight for justice and truth.”

This is how Elisabeth Borne concludes her speech.

12:16 p.m. : Hello. I can tell you that in schools, some do not know and do not realize what happened in 1942. Elizabeth Borne, like Holocaust survivors who say so, the memory should never be erased.

12:15 p.m. : “The work of memory is never to miss the slightest gesture, the slightest word”adds Elisabeth Borne, who insists on the fight against online anti-Semitism. “We will continue, we will continue relentlessly, never telling ourselves that the battle is won. The fight against anti-Semitism never stops.”

12:10 p.m. : “Together, we are commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Rafle du Vel d’Hiv. We are sending a message to our youth and to future generations. Don’t forget, never forget!”

12:11 p.m. : “Yes, these days of July, France has lost a bit of its soul”recognizes Elisabeth Borne, at the podium of the commemoration ceremony of the Roundup of Vel d’Hiv.

12:00 p.m. : I feel bad about my France, that of the open, generous, fraternal Republic. The one who stands up against the extreme right; who knows how to name anti-Semitism and fight it; which does not confuse everything, does not confuse destinies; who remembers, transmits, without instrumentalizing… https://t.co/Lrx28Uj7Re

12:00 p.m. : The PS president of the Occitania region, Carole Delga, who is working to recreate a left-wing group against Nupes, criticizes Mathilde Panot’s tweet on the commemoration of the Vel d’Hiv Roundup.

11:27 : “It is better not to talk about the history of the Holocaust, not to talk about the Second World War if it is to be talked about in this way. It is not worthy of them, it is not not worthy of the image they reflect, it is not worthy of what happened during the Second World War and it is not worthy of a fight against anti-Semitism”.

Jacques Fredj reacted on franceinfo to the tweet of Mathilde Panot, leader of the LFI deputies, which caused a general outcry.

11:08 : Outrage, indecency, ignorance, @FranceInsoumise crosses the red line more and more every day, bringing it closer to the precipice. Fortunately, the French will never entrust the keys of the country to these extremists https://t.co/pUP3vWmICS

11:08 : On the side of the RN, the deputy Sébastien Chenu, whose party is directly implicated in the tweet of Mathilde Panot, also reacted.

11:07 : No limit in indecency. https://t.co/XBcwLxNGHS

11:07 : What a shame ! https://t.co/PcEn8NvL7n

11:06 : This is not a skid. This is the consequence of the systematic attitude consisting in making any subject an occasion for conflict, without respect for memory or the Republic. This was theorized by #LFI, at the risk of the worst, like here. https://t.co/iQS0vyf20O

11:05 a.m. : Instrumentalize the Holocaust without writing the word “Jew”, after having voted several amendments with the RN.LFI is no longer an ideological contortion. It is unworthy of the memory of the victims, it is a daughter of hidden children who tells you. https://t.co/YSpxHxKDRk

11:05 a.m. : Oh no, @Paul, not “few political reactions” to her tweet where she refers to the defense of Marshal Pétain, even that of the First World War, by Emmanuel Macron. Within the majority, ministers, deputies and senators are indignant on social networks.

11:04 am : What is this Mathilde Panot tweet story? And few political reactions to his outrageous remarks?

10:55 : #devoirdemémoire ??| Ceremony in #Niort in memory of the victims of racist and anti-Semitic crimes by the French state and in tribute to the righteous of France commemorating the Vel d’Hiv roundup.
✅ “The greatness of the Republic is its lucidity in front of its history” #heroism

10:54 : Ceremonies take place all over France, like here in Niort, in Deux-Sèvres. This afternoon, Emmanuel Macron will speak in Pithiviers, where a memorial will be inaugurated, in the station. This morning, in Paris, it is Elizabeth Borne who will speak, around 11 am.

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