The words of Sébastien Piqueronies still ring in our ears: “for 68 minutes it was overall poor”. They also sound like a warning to his players. And we point out that with identical behavior over the last 5 matches, the end of this Top 14 could be much more complicated than expected.
First Biarritz, in a stadium all acquired in the cause of the Basques, then a hook by Jean Bouin and the Stade Français, before receiving Racing, going to Mayol to face the cheered up Toulonnais and finally Castres, to finish at the Hameau . If you doubted the complexity of the exercise, you are now better informed.
If it is useless to set up disaster scenarios, you still have to be clear-headed. Starting by analyzing what could have happened so that suddenly, facing Perpignan, the Pau machine seized up to the point of blocking or almost all the cogs. Birthday, pressure, too fast, too beautiful, lack of humility?
Questions arise, because in front of Biarritz and the four others who will also want to save themselves from a barrage threat, still seek a place in the Top 6, or consolidate it like Castres, it is necessary at all costs to find the fundamentals, to avoid making oil. It’s time to get your hands dirty, behind and in front with Jean-Marc Souverbie and Franc Rollès, in 100% Club…
– Credit: Romain Perchicot