Don’t applaud Iranian women!!!

Are you happy about what is happening in Iran?

Are you happy to see these thousands of women bravely challenging the mullahs’ regime?

Attention ! You may be suffering from Islamophobia!


Believe it or not, but that’s what some leftists think…

For them, the cries of joy uttered by Westerners in the face of the citizens’ revolution which is in the process of destabilizing the Iranian Islamist regime conceal not a love of freedom, but… a hatred of Muslims.

Yes Madam.

The wokes are there.

They are so blinded by their hatred of the West (their “Western-phobia”, to use their pseudo-medical vocabulary) that they consider any enemy of the West their friend!

And any criticism of these liberticidal regimes as a racist insult!

Here is a message received by the activist for secularism Nadia El-Mabrouk.

Fasten your tuque with a brooch, because it really messes up your hair.

“Notice to all concerning the events [sic] in Iran.

“I doubt the relevance of sharing the events of Iran on the media [sic] Western socials. Although Iranian women are [sic] strong, sharing their fight on our networks contributes to the climate of Islamophobia [sic] already present in our unceded territory.

“The way the media [sic] deal with the event is tinged with Islamophobia. Be careful not to share what seems progressive, but which sneakily serves the ideas of the extreme right of the Quebec media. Their goal is to use this to put pressure on Muslim women in Quebec to discover themselves despite their informed choice to do so. [sic] carry.

“Never forget that here, the veil is always a choice and that should never be questioned.

” Please [sic]keep your support for Iranian women outside the safes [sic] spaces or at least emphasize that it is not aimed at Muslim women here.

“Muslim women, we love your veil, which is a sign of liberation and freedom from the white man who dictates how a woman should dress in ‘her’ country (not ceded, I repeat). »


So, we must not applaud the Iranian women who burn their veils because it hurts the Muslim women here who have made the “informed choice” to wear this “anti-colonial and anti-patriarchal” symbol! !!

That’s what ideology does.

Once you fall into this black hole, you interpret everything you see in light of your fixed idea.

It’s like that “journalist” of the Toronto Sun who affirms that if there is a shortage of medicines for children in Canada, it is because… of bilingualism!!!

Why not say that the policy of two official languages ​​is causing hemorrhoids, as long as you go?

In 1979, in a silly article that appeared in a major Italian daily, the philosopher Michel Foucault applauded the Islamist Revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini, saying that it was “luminous” and “creative”.

Foucault was homosexual. The Islamist regime put in place by Khomeini hangs homosexuals.

Bright and creative indeed…

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