Donation collections are organized for teachers on strike with the FAE

Dozens, even hundreds, of volunteers are mobilizing across Quebec this weekend to help teachers from the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE), who have been on indefinite strike without pay for two weeks.

At least ten donation drives are planned for Saturday morning in Montreal, Quebec, Laval, Gatineau and Granby, among others.

Two of them were organized in constituency offices of Quebec colidaire MPs: in downtown Quebec, at the office of Étienne Grandmont, MP for Taschereau, and in Villeray, in Montreal, at the office of Andrés Fontecilla , MP for Laurier-Dorion.

“As a deputy, as a citizen but above all as a father, I salute the courage of the teachers who deprive themselves of salary in order to demonstrate for the survival of our public school! »wrote Mr. Grandmont on his Facebook page on Thursday.

Jean-François Proulx, adult teacher in Saint-Jérôme and member of the inter-union common front, has been organizing these collections since last Monday with his partner, Marie-Josée Lavoie, a teacher and member of the FAE. “It’s my way, who is not on strike, of contributing,” he says, tired, but proud of his efforts over the last few days.

“We are seeing incredible mobilization, both from teachers and the general public,” says Mr. Proulx. Volunteers have toured across Quebec to collect donations, and businesses are contacting us to find out how they can do their part. »

A Facebook group was also created by volunteers to coordinate help for teachers. It has nearly 10,000 members.

Those who wish to contribute are also asked to consult Facebook events for collections in their area, and to donate “gifts, non-perishable food and hygiene products”.

“Beyond the political questions, it’s really beautiful to see all these people who go out of their way to help teachers,” concludes Jean-François Proulx.

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